Well, a few short weeks later, Amazon Prime Video partnered up with the folks from Maxwell House to release a limited edition "new 1958" version of their popular Haggadah for the Jewish Holiday of Passover that is themed from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
What's new about this version (nu?) is the updated design and fonts making things easier to read as well as the English translation has been updated to be egalitarian and doesn't refer to the higher being as "He" but rather just "G-d" or the "Divine".
Our family enjoyed looking through and using the new copies because we use the old ones every year. We've been so used to our copies saying thine, yea, or speaketh. I thought the language update was a welcome change along with new graphics, and even a recipe for brisket!
If you're a fan of the show as we are and you want your own Haggadah, you can still order Maxwell House coffees direct from Amazon that come with the special Haggadahs (haggadot, in Hebrew).
NOTE: We were provided with the Haggadahs from Maxwell House to facilitate this review. No other compensation was provided. As always, all opinions are our own.